Prototyping and Product Development Core Lab Central Fabrication Lab

Drop Saw W.F. Wells

Machine Specifications:
Capacity: Rectangular at 90° 17″ High x 20″ Wide,
Round at 90° 17″ Diameter
Weight Capacity: 5,000 lbs
Please check the file Specifications in file tab for more details.

Building 4, Level 0 West
Prototyping and Product Development Core Lab Harbor Fabrication Lab

Alpha 1460XS CNC Lathe

460mm swing, 11kW spindle motor, 1500mm between centres. Cutting edge design and construction quality. Uses high performance cast iron with Warren-type construction for maximum strength and optimum
swarf clearance.
For more detrails please refer to Datasheet in Files tab

Colchester Harrison
Building 27, Level 2
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Surface Profiler - Dektak XT

Advanced thin and thick film step height measurement tool capable of profiling surface topography and waviness, and measuring surface roughness in the nanometer range. This compact system is capable of measuring steps below 10 nm with a step-height repeatability of 0.4 nm. The instrument is equipped with 3D mapping capability allowing to record a surface contour data in three dimensions (X, Y, and Z).
Sample - solids with a dimension of up to 6 x 6 x 4 inches.

Dektak XT
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Physical Characterization

Bruker D8 Twin

Automatically switch between Bragg-Brantano optics and parallel optics

D8 Advance A25
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Physical Characterization

Bruker D8 Eiger

IuS microfocus X-ray source with Eiger 2D detector

D8 Discover A25
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Physical Characterization

Bruker D8 Venture

X-ray Diffractometer for single crystal structure determination.
Sample - single crystal.

D8 Venture
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Physical Characterization

Bruker D2 Phaser

X-ray Diffractometer - XRD - for phase identification at room temperature.
Sample - powders.

D2 Phaser 2 Gen
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Optical Microscopy

Olympus BX43

Upright micrscope for fluorescence, DIC and brightfield epifluorescence imaging.
Sample - standard sample on microscope slide, transparent or non-transparent sample but with fluorescence.

Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Optical Microscopy

Nikon SMZ 25

Stereomicroscope offers 25:1 zoom range, bright and high contrast fluorescent images.
Sample - standard sample on microscope slide, transparent or non-transparent sample but with fluorescence.

Nikon Instruments Inc.
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Optical Microscopy

Olympus Material Microscope BX61

Epifluorescence imaging with phase contrast.
Sample - on standard microscope slide or wafer.

Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Optical Microscopy

ZEISS Airyscan Inverted Confocal

The microscope is an inverted confocal microscope system with Airyscan detector

Carl Zeiss
Axio Observer.Z1
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Optical Microscopy

Leica SP8 STED system

Confocal microscope with STED and hyvolution function and light sheet module.

Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer ER FGMS

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer capable of measuring the following properties of a thin film sample with a thickness from 1A to >45um: a) optical constants (n,k) for isotropic, anisotropic, and graded films; b) surface and interface roughness; c) derived optical properties such as absorption coefficient and optical bandgap including optical constants and film thickness (raw data).
Sample - thin films.

Horiba Jobin Yvon
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science


Dynamic SIMS equipment for elemental identification of extreme surface or depth of various devices with a sensitivity down to ppb . This instrument is capable of detecting all elements in periodic table, from hydrogen to uranium, including their corresponding isotopes. It is equipped with oxygen and argon guns that can produce intense and focused ion beams. Oxygen is ideal for the analysis of electropositive elements with the highest sensitivity. Using specific protocols based on reference samples, the quantification of elements present with concentration lower than a few percent (typically from 10-6 1 %) can be easily achieved. For elements present with higher concentration (matrix effect regime), the SIMS workstation has the capability to ionizing neutral emitted species using an electron impact source (SNMS) whose generated ions are analyzed using a MAXIM quadrupole spectrometer with an available mass range of up to 510u. The SIMS instrument is also equipped with an oxygen flooding capability to improve the depth resolution (~ 5nm) during depth profiling of specific devices.
Sample - solid samples only with a maximum dimension of 1 x 1 x 0.5cm.

Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Surface Profiler

Advanced thin and thick film step height measurement tool capable of profiling surface topography and waviness, and measuring surface roughness in the nanometer range. This compact system is capable of measuring steps below 10 nm with a step-height repeatability of 0.6 nm. The instrument is equipped with 3D mapping capability allowing to record a surface contour data in three dimensions (X, Y, and Z).
Sample - solids with a dimension of up to 6 x 6 x 4 inches. Films made of soft material may be difficult to measure using this instrument.
the new instrument Dektak XT is already installed and the old Dektak 150 will be kept as spare until further decision

Dektak 150
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer LT AGMS

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer capable of measuring the following properties of a thin film sample with a thickness from 1A to >45um: a) optical constants (n,k) for isotropic, anisotropic, and graded films; b) surface and interface roughness; c) derived optical properties such as absorption coefficient and optical bandgap including optical constants and film thickness (raw data).
Sample - thin films.

Horiba Jobin Yvon
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

XPS Amicus

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy - XPS -capable of analysing the following properties a) elemental composition/quantification (survey spectra); b) chemical composition (low resolution spectra, raw data depth profile). It is equipped with an achromatic X-ray source and dual Al-Mg anode.
Sample - powders or films with a dimension of 0.6 cm X 0.6 cm, weigh >20 mg with no oil content.

Kratos Analytical
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Agilent 5500 SPM

Scanning Probe Microscope - SPM - capable of measuring the following characteristics of sample surface: a) 3D topography, to measure roughness and step height; b) Lateral Force Microscopy - LFM - to measure frictional properties; c) Magnetic Force Microscopy - MFM - to map magnetic domain; d) current sensing Atomic Force Microscopy - AFM - to measure conductivity distribution; e) IV curve; f) Electrostatic Force Microscopy - EFM - to qualitatively measure local static charge domain and charge carrier density; g) Kelvin Force Microscopy - KFM - to quantitatively measure surface potential; h) Piezoresponse Force Microscopy - PFM - to measure electromechanical properties of piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials; i) Force Spectroscopy, to measure polarity and strength of the interaction between AFM tip and sample; j) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy - STM - to measure topography using tunneling current.
Sample - thin films, nanoparticles and nanowire with maximum structure height of 8 �m. Nanoparticles and nanowires have to be fixed on flat substrate.

Agilent Technologies
5500 SPM
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Agilent 5400 SPM-1

Scanning Probe Microscope - SPM - capable of measuring the following characteristics of surface sample: a) 3D topography; b) surface roughness; c) magnetic and electrical properties; d) topography imaging mode (atmospheric/liquid environment) - 3D image; and e) step height. It can also perform Lateral Force Microscopy - LFM -to measure the frictional properties; and Magnetic Force Microscopy - MFM - to map magnetic domain.
Sample - thin films, nanoparticles and nanowires with maximum structure height of 8 �m. Nanoparticles and nanowires have to be fixed on flat substrate.

Agilent Technologies
5400 SPM
Building 3, Level 0 West
Imaging and Characterization Core Lab Surface Science

Kratos AXIS Supra

The Axis Supra system from Kratos in our facility is the state of the art electron spectrometer combining X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), micro XPS and imaging XPS. The Axis Supra system is equipped with a monochromatic X-ray source and a dual Al-Mg anode. High collection efficiency and high spatial resolution is provided by a magnetic lens. For low collection angles an electrostatic lens can be used, either independently or in combination with the magnetic lens. Hemispherical analyser (HSA) provides both high energy resolution and high sensitivity for micro spectroscopy with spatial resolution <15 um. With addition of the spherical mirror analyser (SMA), real time chemical state images down to 1 um spatial resolution can be obtained in the parallel imaging mode.
The Axis supra is equipped also with an Argon cluster Gun for depth profiling.
The Axis supra has an UPS (ultra violet photoelectron spectroscopy) capablity to measure the work function of the materials.

Kratos Analytical
Axis Supra
Building 3, Level 0 West